How its made?
Chemical drums are made for highly potent chemicals, are UV resistant, and virtually “industructable”.
Used drums pose a huge challenge as they cannot be disposed of or recycled safely.
Vlakenberg patented the design of the Polydrop poles in 1995. Drums are being recycled into livestock, game and electric fencing poles.
How to tie the fence
Used For
1.2m high fence with a standard barb wire
1.5m fence
2m high fence to cater for game. Electric wire can be attached directly to the Polydrop
Use adjustable connectors on one end of the fence and static connectors on the other side.
No need for any connectors on the polydrop as they are inherent isolators.
Wood rots and steel fence poles rust or are stolen as scrap metal.
Replace existing poles with the polydrop which might outlast us.
No need for any connectors on the polydrop as they are inherent isolators.
Polydrop droppers do not bend in the sun, are flexible yet sturdy.
They are used in the vegetable farming industry, for fencing or as holders for sprayers.
Steel droppers are stolen and sold for scrap metal.
Agents are finding Polydrop more cost effective and more durable.
Benefits of Polydrop
Polydrop do not rot like wooden poles.
Polydrop do not rust like steel poles.
Polydrop will last a life time.
Polydrop is easy to install, use your existing staff.
Polydrop are made of very strong material originally used for chemical plastic drums. They will not bend in the sun, your pole will have some flexibility but will not bend out of shape.
Effective for
Livestock or game fencing.
Replacing wood and steel poles and reduce maintenance.
Used for converting existing fences into an electric fence.

My horse was injured in a barb wire fence. Five applications of Ol+Zone Healing Oil to the hind legs were enough to heal the legs, with no swelling nor scarring.
The hair even grew back in less than a month.
Surprisingly the hair grew back black like when she was a foal.

My wife is diabetic, she battled with ulcers for years. I refused to sign for an amputation before we tried any possible solution. We applied the Olzone Healing spray daily and after a week, the ulcers started to heal and we avoided the dreaded amputation.

VW Stemmet
We have been using Olzone for some time now and we are very happy with the product. We struggled with persistent skin sores and recently had several serious abscesses/carbuncles. After testing several other products, we have found that Olzone is effective on open sores that is infected with resistive staph aureus or any other open sores. We try to use natural products as much as possible and we are glad we have found a simple natural product that is effective that we can use on our children with peace of mind.
Thank you very much,
VW Stemmet
More Testimonials
My sheepdog “Soentjies” was stabbed with a knife by a burglar on his leg down to the bone. I could not afford taking him to the vet and treated the wound with Ol+Zone oil spray three times a day. The wound closed up completely.

Rita Uys
“Ons gebruik Olzone al vir ‘n geruime tyd en is baie gelukkig met die produk. Ons het lank gesukkel met vel sere wat nie wil opklaar nie en het onlangs ook paar erge absesse/karbonkels gehad. Nadat ons baie ander produkte getoets het, het ons gevind dat die olzone effektief is op oop sere wat met weerstandige Staph Aureus geïnfekteer is of enige ander oop seerplekke. Ons probeer ook om so vêr moontlik natuurlike produkte te gebruik en dus is ons bly ons het ‘n eenvoudige natuurlike produk gevind wat effektief is en wat ons met gemoedsrus op ons kinders kan gebruik.
Baie dankie,
VW Stemmet”
VW Stemmet
Vullens se bene is beseer toe hul oor drade gehardloop het. Die snymerke is met Ol+Zone behandel, en na drie dae is dit byna toegegroei.
Dus…. Ek hou die olie by my en wanneer ek reis. Ek sal dit vir enigeen aanbeveel.
Mariaan Weideman
My neighbour had a swollen ankle, I applied Ol+Zone Healing Oil to his ankle and massaged it in for 10 minutes. There was a noticeable difference between the massaged leg and the other leg, the swelling came down immediately. My neighbour was delighted and said he had not seen a product that can do wonders within minutes. He bought a spray bottle to keep by his bedside.
Dr. Shayin
Ol+Zone Healing Oil is vir ons onverbeterlik op die plaas waar ons woon. Die veearts is net twee keer per maand beskikbaar. Dus het ek begin om die olie op n kanker tussen die ribbes van my windhond te spuit. Volgens die veearts kon die kanker na die hond se longe versprei, en moes dit uitgesny word. Na vier weke is die plek toegegroei en gesond.
Mariaan Weideman
My baby had a sudden unknown rash and swollen foot. After applying the Ol+Zone 50% of the symptoms and discomfort have disappeared within three hours.
My baby had a sudden unknown rash and swollen foot. After applying the Ol+Zone 50% of the symptoms and discomfort have disappeared within three hours.
Waar ek my hand met kookmelk gebrand het, het Ol+Zone onmiddellike verligting gebring. Geen merk is op my vel gelaat nie.
Mariaan Weideman
Burn treated with the Ol+Zone spray. One application immediately after the burn

Now available at major retailers