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All the material available on this website is for information purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice, as only a doctor or appropriate healthcare practitioner is qualified to make a diagnosis and provide the necessary treatment.

All reasonable care is taken that all details, descriptions and images of products appearing on this website were correct at the time when the relevant information was uploaded onto this website. However, we make no representations or warranties, implied or otherwise, that, amongst others, the content available on this website is free from errors or omissions or that the service will be 100% uninterrupted and error free. We have taken, and will continue to take, due care and diligence that all information provided on this website is, to the best of our knowledge and understanding, true and correct. However, Ol+Zone shall not be liable for any damage, loss or liability of any nature arising from the use or inability to use this website, or from any information or content provided from and through this website.

There is no warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the information supplied on this website or in respect of any aspect of our services. Any warranty implied by law is hereby excluded, except to the extent to which such exclusion would be unlawful.

The contents of this website, and our Terms and Conditions, are subject to change by Ol+Zone without notice.


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Ol+Zone authorises the user to view, copy, download to a local drive, print, and distribute the content of this website, or any part thereof, provided that:

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  • any reproduction of the content of this website, or portions thereof, must include the following copyright notice: © Ol+Zone.

Users wishing to use any content from this site for commercial purposes may only do so with prior written permission from Ol+Zone.