How its made?

Extra virgin olive oil is made using a process called “first cold-pressed.”

In simpler terms,

  • “first” because the olives are pressed on the first round of extraction.
  • “cold” because the olives are kept no higher than 27.72 Degrees Celsius
  • “pressed” is the extraction method. 

No heat or chemical additives were used to extract the oil from the olives, which can alter and destroy the flavours and aromas of the olive oil. By not adding heat, the olive oil retains its full nutritional value.

Activated oxygen — also known as ozone O3 — is produced by adding an electrical charge to pure oxygen. Ozone contains three oxygen atoms rather than the two we usually breathe (O2 + O1= O3). In nature, ozone is created when oxygen comes in contact with ultraviolet rays emitted from the sun.

Aloe is well known for its beneficial effects on a number of skin conditions. 

Blending Olive Oil, Aloe and Ozone make a powerful natural remedy for a variety of health concerns, particularly effective for the skin. They effectively moisturize the skin and improve the appearance of blemishes, age spots, fine lines and wrinkles.

Where its made?

Ozonating Olive Oil

Used For

Ozone (O3) neutralises fungeas and bacterias damaging the skin and stimulates new cell growth, while Aloe verra nourishes the skin. 

Use the lotion or cream to moisturise dry skin or treat wrinkles. 

Ozone (O3) and Aloe are safe and natural products that can be used on the baby’s skin to prevent or treat nappy rash.

Ozone (O3) stimulates new cell growth, while Aloe verra refreshes and nourishes the skin. 

Use the lotion or cream to treat burns.  

Benefits of O3, Olive Oil & Aloe

Anti-Fungal & Anti-Bacterial • Stimulation of growth for skin cells, hair & nails • Cleans and sterilizes the epidermis • Reduces redness • Good for animal wounds, as it is all natural and can be licked • Heals infections of the sebaceous glands • Can be used as a natural underarm deodorant 

Effective to Heal

Blending Olive Oil, Aloe and Ozone make a powerful natural remedy for a variety of health concerns, particularly for the skin. They effectively moisturize the skin and improve the appearance of blemishes, age spots, fine lines and wrinkles.

Cuts & Burns • Pain • Surgery Wounds • Nappy Rash • Insect Bites and Stings • Pimples & Blackheads • Ringworm • Bed sores • Yeast Infections • Athlete’s Foot • Cracked Heels • Stop bleeding wounds.

More Testimonials

Burn treated with the Ol+Zone spray. One application immediately after the burn.

I had no blisters. 

I subsequently applied O’loe lotion once a day for 3 days, and all the pain and redness disappeared. 


February 2020

How its made

Soon available at major retailers